Obesity and Cancer
It has been shown that in the USA, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% in women are related to obesity.
In men with obesity; risk of colon, rectum, pancreas, stomach, kidney, gallbladder, prostate cancer; In women, the risk of stomach, colon, kidney, gallbladder, breast, endometrium (uterus), ovary and cervix cancers increases.
Obesity-breast cancer; As the fat in the hip and abdominal area increases, the risk of cancer also increases. Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer due to the effect of the estrogen hormone, which increases after menopause. In addition, the tumor is detected later in obese individuals.
Obesity-uterine cancer; In obese individuals, the risk of uterine cancer increases with high estrogen and insulin levels. It is thought that 40% of endometrial cancers may be caused by obesity.
Obesity-colon cancer; Men and women with high BMI values have a high risk of developing colon cancer. High insulin and insulin-dependent growth factors may increase tumor development in obese individuals.
Obesity-prostate cancer; In male individuals, the increase in leptin hormone, insulin and IGF-1 as a result of increased BMI increases the risk of disease.
Obesity-kidney cancer; The risk of kidney cancer was found to be 2 to 4 times lower than normal weight individuals and obese women.
The Relationship between Regular Physical Activity and Cancer Risk:
It has been stated that the risk of developing colon and breast cancer is reduced in individuals who engage in regular physical activity. It has been reported that regular physical activity reduces colon cancer by 50%.
Obesity is a risk factor that causes cancer. Some precautions must be taken for this.
1. Eat an adequate and balanced diet.
2. Consume a diet rich in plant foods.
3. Consume sufficient amounts of vegetables and fruits.
4. Keep your body weight within normal limits.
5. Pay attention to your waist and hip circumference measurements.
6. Pay attention to the amount of portions you consume.
7. Stay away from smoking and alcohol.
8. Choose foods with low fat and salt content.
9. Cook foods safely by applying correct cooking principles.
10. Comply with food storage conditions.
11. Be physically active.
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